Idiot British PM Heads To DC To Set Trump Trap.

Trump To Receive British Prime Minister Starmer.

Keir Starmer, the idiot Prime Minister Of the UK is on a fool's errand which is apropos, since this is a mission for which he is imminently qualified. What interests in Ukraine, does the British have? Also, whatever those interests are, are they so important as to risk nuclear war?

He seems hell bent on provoking the Russians into a war even though it is clear that the US has stated that they will not be providing any security guarantees. As well they shouldn't. If Starmer wants to send troops to Ukraine, let him do so, but let him know, that he's on his own and all risks are his to deal with.

Starmer is a pompous ass and it's easy to hate the slimy bastard. As a matter of fact, we hate the entirety of the UK political class and we wish that they would all have painful lingering deaths and the same goes for the entire head shed, at the EU too. Never has there been a more horrible set of people so easy to despise. We spit on them.