Ebrius Disputatios

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

For the second time in as many days, US Vice President, J. D. Vance warned the EU Commission about their attacks on the US first amendment. It was refreshing to watch, since the US Constitution, The Bill of Rights and the first amendment, have been under attack by the Democrats in state capitals as well as in the US Congress itself.

As their efforts to replace White Americans, continue, if it ever becomes successful, we can expect the total erosion of our entire Constitutional republic and a plunge into authoritarianism and tyranny. This wasn't the crux of Vance's speech but perhaps, it should have been.

Nevertheless, anything which helps to put those irrelevant EU officials in their places is noteworthy. When the democrats ran things, the EU was free to threaten US rights however, that time has passed, at least for the next four years at least.

The Russian mockingbird media outfit, RT published an article reporting the context of the event.

We Should All Be So Inclined.

If Trump had lost the November 2024 elections, would red state sentiments be any different? During the Biden usurpation, it was clear that many Americans were less than content with the state of the nation. The mood was one, in which many people decided that they were going to lose their nation and the path to the future was one of dystopia. Many of them thought that they no longer had much to lose.

Why does anyone think, Biden and his Zionist, Neocons, kept associating MAGA with racists, White supremacists, and domestic terrorists? It's because they knew where the discontent lied. It lay within the hearts of many White Americans who are still the majority, heart and soul of this Republic, despite efforts to supplant them. Biden wasn't running anything and he sure as hell didn't win any elections. However, his handlers knew that the pressure being generated by all the discontent, could potentially derail their ultimate plans, whatever those are.

Therefore, the oligarchs decided to make a run for Trump, he, they knew, could play the part of the populist, the man of the people, who would no longer ignore their concerns and more importantly, he would quell their discontent and rekindle their belief in their nation and the possibility that their future isn't lost.

It seems to be working, however, all that glitters isn't gold and things are not, always as they appear to be. Many Trump supporters give him way too much credit. They think that he's playing third dimensional chess. They give him passes for is mistakes and his misspoken claims. Something they would never give any Democrat. While themselves, not realizing that Trump policies in some cases are even more lukewarm than previous Democrat administrations.

There are estimates that under ideal situations, some half a million illegal aliens stay in the United States. if that is true, then even with the current roundups that are allegedly being staged, the daily tally of illegals being taken into custody, is estimated, on a good day to be one thousand. One thousand per day, approximately, would equal 365,250 annually, which falls short of the 500,000 which sneak in that same time period. Even with my own public school indoctrination, it is clear that we have a significant surplus of illegals accruing. So that's not going well at all.

Also, the war in Ukraine is an obvious trap for Trump and instead of declaring the war not our problem and a product of the Biden team's incompetence and sophistry, he seems as if he wants to fall into the trap of Zelensky. Zelensky wants a no fly zone, NATO troops in Ukraine and a stop to the war. What he really wants is all the above and time to regroup, rearm to renew his fight against Russia. He really wants a third world war. Where the US fights the Russians for him. That can't be a good thing for people who are saying, America first.

Many Americans are drinking the proverbial Kool aid though. One hears rumors that enlistment into the military has been making records and no doubt the bulk of those enlistments will be shouldered by White men. Making their replacement even that much easier. I've given up on this political demolition scene. What Gaza looks like today is the physical projection of our socio-political and psychological state. What Gaza looks like today represents an accurate projection of the spirit and soul of what is left of the USA.

Discussions are varied on what the outcome would have been, if then Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, God forbid, had been struck, by his close call with the assassin's bullet.

Many left wing lunatics claimed that they would have rejoiced. That is, rejoiced even more, had it gone the other way. Some on the right claim that there would be a civil war type environment. However, the left would rejoice but it is doubtful that any violence would have taken place.

It is unsure that anything would have happened. Yes, some of us would seethe but one suspects that would be the worst of it. The deep state actors aren't afraid of us. They think that we have grown complacent and soft. Sometimes it may be easy to consider that they may be right.

I'm glad it didn't go into the Twilight Zone however. I think Americans are too comfortable, too well fed, too fat to even think about revolutions and revolts. As long as their comforts are met and their caloric intakes are sufficient they'll be good little sheeplike people. I'd love to be wrong but I'm afraid that I may be spot on.

Consider this, the King of MAGA has issued a presidential executive order that will bring anyone to heel, who spouts whatever the administration and their attack dogs consider, anti semitic speech. Of course they will say, that it's aimed at the alleged, Palestinian students. However, how long after they successfully prosecuted their first few, specially picked defendants, before they use the precedent to direct their animosity to their real targets?

It's no different than the alleged Patriot Act. They sold it as a way to keep tabs on terrorists and who could be against that? Now, soon to be twenty five years later, the American people are the terrorists that they seek. For the Biden administration, their utmost threat targets were the alleged White supremacists. They must be a pretty significant threat since they've managed to carry out all their alleged schemes and misdeeds and have successfully remained hidden.

Now the new meme is anti semites. One wonders how many after the deep state gets their precedent set in court, before we're back to White supremacist anti semites. So as earlier stated, it is doubtful that the alleged right wing would do a solitary thing, except lick their wounds, with tails firmly stuck between their legs. It gave me no pleasure to say any of this.

The law of unintended consequences will always kick tyrannical intent in the balls. We've been saying in for almost a decade now, Trump Is almost a fucking Jew. His daughter is one and so are his grandchildren, so it's only natural that he looks out for his people. Right?

It's obvious that the MAGA movement is just as slavish and hypocritical as the Democrat party intelligentsia. They're ignoring this blatant affront to US law and the spirit of freedom by not even pretending to be bothered by a law, not much different from the intent of DEI laws, to be sure, since it aims to protect a group of people, from being criticized and corrected for their perceived wrongs.

If Biden, Harris or Obama had enacted any such orders, there would be near riots in cyberspace, if not in the streets themselves. However, since it is the MAGA lord's pronouncements and dictates, they ignore it, make excuses for him and generally, just suck it up. Being labelled as anti semitic, Nazi, racists is nothing new for people who are trying to shut down debate that is contrary to conventional wisdom. One would think that Trump would understand this, since he was hounded by the establishment because for whatever reasons, they perceived him as a threat.

Now in retrospect, nothing has changed except the new threat is anyone noticing that Israel, the Jewish lobbies and blatant examples of Jews just being criminals will potentially get one investigated, surveilled and inevitably jailed in prisons for expressions of opinions. Is This the freedom that we crave now?

It is to be expected however, because what does Trump know of the founding American fathers? He doesn't come from that stock. Trump is practically an anchor baby himself. His father was a German immigrant and his mother was another immigrant from Scotland. They have no real American roots so how could one expect them to revere the spirit of American liberty and freedom when it isn't even in their genetic code?

I'm all in favor of a law which enforces birthright citizenship. However, the irony is, if such a law requires that one's parents be a natural born citizen, then Trump himself would be shit out of luck since as earlier stated, he's an anchor baby himself. Now we have some rich, fucking anchor baby telling us what is acceptable speech and who we can speak about. We will soon reach the conclusion that this cluster fuck wherein we find ourselves, will never be traversed by any political means. That ship had sailed and that train left the station and was derailed.

Indeed, Hitler should have made nice with the Soviets and instead, he should have staged a massive invasion of the British Isles. If that had happened, one can be quite sure that the UK would have an almost one hundred percent White population.

It is quite possible that if every UK soldier who died in the second world war, had been suddenly, together as a group transported in time to see the future of their once great nation would if they had the opportunity to return to their relative present, would join forces with the Nazis.

Although that scenario would most likely fail too since the Nazis had already kicked off the whole Invasion of the Soviet Union thing. Plus the Nazi's wouldn't believe in time travelling Brits anyhow and they would have been shot, imprisoned or committed. Just saying.

#WorldWar2 #TimeTravelHitler #Comedy

Perhaps, more accurately, Schumer's brain seems more empty than previously perceived. Schumer's brain is on empty these days. I realize that some people will say that it has always been empty and that's true too, but lately he's losing it fast. Imagine thinking that anyone would miss the IRS or the Post Office.

The Post Office came in handy at the beginning of the republic, when the country was wild and undeveloped. However, do we really need a US Postal Service today? As for the IRS we would all love to see them gone as soon as yesterday.

What is Schumer on lately? He's proclaiming this as if it's a bad thing or something. His audience is certainly not us, we the people. Indeed, if he's accurate in his assertion, the yes bring it on, your terms are acceptable.

#Politics #Jews #AIPAC #ADL #Schumer #RatFacedFuck #Creep #ZOG

Devon Stack of Black Pilled Media, did a show last weekend about a serial killing illegal alien who may have murdered up to two hundred people. He was caught by the border patrol on numerous occasions and released, deported back to Mexico. However, it wasn't hard to get back into the US. Stack catalogues the ineptitude of the federal agents, from the FBI, ICE, The US Customs and Border Protection. Proving that since the 1970's we the people, have been on our own.

The story is about a demonic Mexican serial killer that would probably still be at large, were in not for one of his victims which he left for dead. No one really knows his true name however the general consensus was to assign him one of his more well known aliases, which was, Angel Maturino Reséndiz.

Mass murdering serial killer, illegal alien, multiple deportee, Angel Maturino Reséndiz. It would behove one to research this case.

Stack describes how difficult it was to actually research this creature, since it seems that the embarrassed government officials saw it fit to bury any touchy signs of incompetence, Ineptitude and just plain apathy on their part. Resendiz committed horrific murders, and was such a sicko that he would rape the bodies of his victims. It was reported that he raped the female victims, however, why would such a demonic monster, stop there?

It is doubtful that many even know this story, since it would disturb the conventional narrative, that White males, White people generally are whom, everyone needs to be afraid of. The anti White media mockingbirds would never allow word to leak about illegal foreigners without souls going on murder sprees in the United States after being deported dozens of times and released to rinse and repeat.

One should visit Devon Stack's media pages and either watch the video or do as I do, download the file and convert it to an audio which makes it more portable, plus stack seems to be a radio buff, so his programs are easily adapted for listening, without missing any points.

It's a revelation, that we the people, have no real representation and despite the hopes of many, sadly, our condition isn't one that will ever be solved through political means. Just saying. I digress. In between murdering American civilians, this dude was being hired wherever he ended up so we also get insights on the people, other than the government bureaucrats, politicians and law enforcement who help in facilitating and enabling these assholes.


Catch streams LIVE on Odysee Wednesdays & Saturdays, beginning at 11PM. The streams may also be downloaded from Black Pilled, Odysee channel.

#IllegalImmigration #SerialKillers #AntiWhiteism #USBorders #FBI #BorderPatrol #ICE