We Should All Be So Inclined.
If Trump had lost the November 2024 elections, would red state sentiments be any different? During the Biden usurpation, it was clear that many Americans were less than content with the state of the nation. The mood was one, in which many people decided that they were going to lose their nation and the path to the future was one of dystopia. Many of them thought that they no longer had much to lose.
Why does anyone think, Biden and his Zionist, Neocons, kept associating MAGA with racists, White supremacists, and domestic terrorists? It's because they knew where the discontent lied. It lay within the hearts of many White Americans who are still the majority, heart and soul of this Republic, despite efforts to supplant them. Biden wasn't running anything and he sure as hell didn't win any elections. However, his handlers knew that the pressure being generated by all the discontent, could potentially derail their ultimate plans, whatever those are.
Therefore, the oligarchs decided to make a run for Trump, he, they knew, could play the part of the populist, the man of the people, who would no longer ignore their concerns and more importantly, he would quell their discontent and rekindle their belief in their nation and the possibility that their future isn't lost.
It seems to be working, however, all that glitters isn't gold and things are not, always as they appear to be. Many Trump supporters give him way too much credit. They think that he's playing third dimensional chess. They give him passes for is mistakes and his misspoken claims. Something they would never give any Democrat. While themselves, not realizing that Trump policies in some cases are even more lukewarm than previous Democrat administrations.
There are estimates that under ideal situations, some half a million illegal aliens stay in the United States. if that is true, then even with the current roundups that are allegedly being staged, the daily tally of illegals being taken into custody, is estimated, on a good day to be one thousand. One thousand per day, approximately, would equal 365,250 annually, which falls short of the 500,000 which sneak in that same time period. Even with my own public school indoctrination, it is clear that we have a significant surplus of illegals accruing. So that's not going well at all.
Also, the war in Ukraine is an obvious trap for Trump and instead of declaring the war not our problem and a product of the Biden team's incompetence and sophistry, he seems as if he wants to fall into the trap of Zelensky. Zelensky wants a no fly zone, NATO troops in Ukraine and a stop to the war. What he really wants is all the above and time to regroup, rearm to renew his fight against Russia. He really wants a third world war. Where the US fights the Russians for him. That can't be a good thing for people who are saying, America first.
Many Americans are drinking the proverbial Kool aid though. One hears rumors that enlistment into the military has been making records and no doubt the bulk of those enlistments will be shouldered by White men. Making their replacement even that much easier. I've given up on this political demolition scene. What Gaza looks like today is the physical projection of our socio-political and psychological state. What Gaza looks like today represents an accurate projection of the spirit and soul of what is left of the USA.