Is One Or Both Of The Dou Called Chicks On The Right Idiots?

The image below shows a thumbnail image from Chicks On The Right, I know what they're trying to say but how could they get the word “Conscience” wrong? Are they not conscious that the two words aren't even synonymous. Perhaps, the person responsible for the mistake hasn't been getting enough sleep. All I know is, that it really disturbs me, when people in the public eye, take spelling and grammar for granted.

Nevermind, disregard after ten hours with this thumbnail, they fixed it in the middle of this posting, that's better. However, I'm still completing this post.

They finally realized that they made an error. I'm glad to see that they fixed it. Although, one just can't resist the thought that, they seriously, thought conscious was how conscience is spelled and that the words are somehow, synonymous. I've noticed that many public schoolers, also use the word breath when they really mean breathe.

I realize that many people these days read very sparingly, they write even less from my observation, but confusing words and meanings, by people in public, by people that do the sort of work that these women do is reckless and careless. It casts assumptions on their true intelligence or lack thereof.

Plus I'm realizing that I don't like many people, whom I once thought to be smart. I also concede the fact, that they may have some other person who does the thumbnails, and that person may be either in need of more sleep or is lacking in the reading and writing department. I've realized that they are all, for the most part, apologists for Jews, Zionism and Israel.

They feel free to criticize everyone else except the chosen, sacred races. That makes them cowardly and it's a quick way to lose the respect and attention of one's audience.