Ebrius Disputatios


It would seem that all the alleged terrorists, all the assassins, only go after the people that work for good. The civilian types. They always go after the dissidents, the ones who are always at odds, with the establishment, the military industrial complexes, the federal reserve, the entrenched bureaucrats, who, like parasites, feed off the labors of the US people, through their extortion, in the form of taxes, which end up going to places like Israel, Ukraine and the loathsome, EU and UK.

Why do the assassins and terrorists always, conveniently, seem to overlook those morons? Why do people like JFK, Lincoln, Trump, RFK, and even niggers like Malcolm X, and the communist fuck, MLK, seem to be the only targets of terrorists and assassins? It seems very convenient. How do the investors in crime and evil, escape the terrorist and or assassins, threat? They must have some really skillful, guardian angels.

It's no wonder that the deep state global cabal, are on a quest, to stifle freedom of speech and freedom of information. They seem to fear it unnaturally. The internet, according to lore, was a military project that sought to enable communications if and when the collective west, provoked the Russians and other non faggots, enough to the point of getting nuked into the near, stone age. Then for unknown reasons, likely to escalate the surveillance state, the deep state unleashed their once classified project to the masses, pretending as if, it were a benevolent gift. A modern day, incarnation, of the Trojan horse. They wanted an apparatus, that they could use to spy on all the inhabitants of the earth, or at least, most of them.

However, like all their myopic plans, they did not envision, that the mere fools, the useless cattle, the compliant sheep, would use this tool to challenge the mockingbird media narrative, coming down from high atop the political establishment, of Washington, Brussels, London, Berlin and Paris. Now that their narratives are getting blasted and their true motives, revealed, they must react, to shut down the revelation.

Did I mention, that only the enemies of the deep state, the federal reserve, the DC swamp, the bureaucrats and the military industrial complex, mafia, are the only group, immune to terrorism and assassination? Why is that? Could it be, that all the terrorists, assassins and spy craft wielders, are controlled by those aforementioned, entities? Just asking questions, just saying.

CIA Jew Says Terrorists Wanted To Kill Thousands At Taylor Swift Concert.

#DeepState #Censorship #Lawless #Credibility #Incredible #ZOG #FederalReserve #MIC #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #2A #MVE #TwoMinutesOf_Hate #Joy #Tyranny #Tyrants #Illegitimate #Criminal #Fake #Invalid #Unconstitutional #Spurious #Perverted #Unofficial #Unreal #Twisted #Tinsel #Sham #Felonious #Repulsive #Despotic #Bossy #Imperious