The Internet Is Full Of Myths And Urban Legends About Space, Causing Many People To View Such Claims With A Grain Of Salt.
Where Misconceptions Come From And What Science Says.
From stories of aliens allegedly crashing on Earth and UFOs hidden in military bases, to rumors of a giant Mars and the Moon turning green. Space has always inspired bold, but often unproven statements that require verification.
Here are ten of the most famous space myths that still excite minds.
- The moon landings were faked. From 1969 to 1972, twelve NASA astronauts set foot on the Moon. However, in the decades after the Apollo 11 mission, theories abounded that the program was staged. However, photographs from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter prove that the landings actually took place.
Doubters often ask questions about stars that aren't in the photos, waving flags, and shoe tracks that don't seem to match module footprints. However, there are simple explanations for this: the lack of stars is due to the brightness of the lighting, the flags are equipped with metal rods for a fluttering effect, and the weight distribution of the modules does not leave noticeable marks.
- NASA is hiding the truth Some argue that NASA's main mission is to create fake images and myths about space. Skeptics are sure that photographs of planets, the Moon and Earth are the result of computer graphics. However, NASA actively publishes images and videos taken from satellites and the International Space Station.
Since its founding in 1958, NASA has launched hundreds of satellites and conducted research that is available to the general public. Today, anyone can watch rocket launches in Florida or track the ISS using online trackers.
The earth is flat The flat earth theory is popularized by the so-called Flat Earth Society. Their arguments include the claim that the horizon is always at eye level and that videos of the planet rotating are faked. However, numerous videos from space, including live broadcasts from the ISS, completely refute these claims.
Planet Nibiru will destroy the Earth The theory about Nibiru, a planet that will supposedly collide with Earth, first appeared in Zecharia Sitchin's book The Twelfth Planet. Predictions of a collision in 2003 and 2012 never materialized. Scientists, including Mike Brown, say there are no threats from Nibiru, and its existence has not yet been confirmed.
Alien Research at Area 51 Area 51 in Nevada has become the subject of many rumors thanks to films such as Independence Day. Theories claim that alien technology is being studied here. However, the site was officially used for testing spy planes such as the Lockheed U-2 in the 1960s and 1970s.
There's a face on Mars In 1976, the Viking 1 spacecraft took a photo of Mars, where some saw a face. However, subsequent studies using modern cameras proved that this is just a play of shadows on the surface of the Red Planet.
Hexagon on Saturn is the work of aliens A giant hexagonal storm at Saturn's pole, discovered by the Voyager mission in 1980, has sparked theories about alien technology. But scientists have confirmed that this phenomenon is a natural phenomenon caused by atmospheric processes.
Satellite Iapetus – alien base Saturn's moon Iapetus, which resembles the Death Star from Star Wars, has also been the subject of conspiracy theories. However, NASA photos show that it is an ordinary satellite covered with ice and rock.
UFOs around the Earth Many supposed UFO images are actually reflections of light or satellite debris. These phenomena are being investigated, but so far no evidence of the presence of aliens has been found.
Mars appears as big as the full Moon This myth appeared in 2003 and has become a widely known hoax. It was then claimed that Mars was at its closest to Earth in 60,000 years and would appear as large as the full Moon. The rumor originated from a misinterpreted email, but soon began to repeat itself every August, spreading on social media and gaining more and more popularity.
However, in reality, Mars will never look as big as the Moon. Even when the planet is closest to Earth, it is visible only as a bright red dot in the night sky. To get a closer look at Mars, use a telescope or enjoy spectacular photographs taken by NASA.
Space remains a source of inspiration and mystery, but it also gives rise to many myths and conspiracy theories. It is important to maintain critical thinking and rely on scientific evidence to separate reality from fiction. Thanks to modern research and advances such as missions from NASA and other space agencies, we can find answers to many questions and destroy misconceptions. Space opens up amazing prospects for us, and to explore it we need to trust facts, not rumors.