What Would Have Happened To US Society If The Assassin's Bullet Was Sure?
Discussions are varied on what the outcome would have been, if then Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, God forbid, had been struck, by his close call with the assassin's bullet.
Many left wing lunatics claimed that they would have rejoiced. That is, rejoiced even more, had it gone the other way. Some on the right claim that there would be a civil war type environment. However, the left would rejoice but it is doubtful that any violence would have taken place.
It is unsure that anything would have happened. Yes, some of us would seethe but one suspects that would be the worst of it. The deep state actors aren't afraid of us. They think that we have grown complacent and soft. Sometimes it may be easy to consider that they may be right.
I'm glad it didn't go into the Twilight Zone however. I think Americans are too comfortable, too well fed, too fat to even think about revolutions and revolts. As long as their comforts are met and their caloric intakes are sufficient they'll be good little sheeplike people. I'd love to be wrong but I'm afraid that I may be spot on.
Consider this, the King of MAGA has issued a presidential executive order that will bring anyone to heel, who spouts whatever the administration and their attack dogs consider, anti semitic speech. Of course they will say, that it's aimed at the alleged, Palestinian students. However, how long after they successfully prosecuted their first few, specially picked defendants, before they use the precedent to direct their animosity to their real targets?
It's no different than the alleged Patriot Act. They sold it as a way to keep tabs on terrorists and who could be against that? Now, soon to be twenty five years later, the American people are the terrorists that they seek. For the Biden administration, their utmost threat targets were the alleged White supremacists. They must be a pretty significant threat since they've managed to carry out all their alleged schemes and misdeeds and have successfully remained hidden.
Now the new meme is anti semites. One wonders how many after the deep state gets their precedent set in court, before we're back to White supremacist anti semites. So as earlier stated, it is doubtful that the alleged right wing would do a solitary thing, except lick their wounds, with tails firmly stuck between their legs. It gave me no pleasure to say any of this.