Will The Russians Fall Into The Same Trap Twice?

No doubt the boomers are ecstatic. The Deep State whomever they are, are still pulling the strings, despite Trump being in the White House and playing his part. If Trump was serious about ending the aggressions between Russia and the Ukraine he would have long since, washed his hands. However, if one listens carefully to the Trump team, to his new secretary of defense, one will hear what the real plan is.

NATO, the EU and the US are spent. They're calling for a time out in order to regroup and adjust their war machines in order to comeback and resume operations to conquer Russia. Now, they're planning to obstruct China in the meanwhile while trying to gain the upper hand. ZOG should never be trusted.

Neither the EU, the US or the UK are accountable to their citizens. They march to the beat of another drummer. In the US at least, the elitists in charge have determined to pacify the natives for the time being, and are adjusting the boiling point on the proverbial frogs but nothing, has changed. The empire is hell bent on hegemony and world dominance and any Americans who think that ambition, will benefit them, because they're citizens, should keep their powder dry because we do not matter. We have been warned.