Ebrius Disputatios

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

If Haiti were a land of predominantly White people, one cannot discount the fact, that because of the differing culture and intellect, if Haitians were White, the nation would be a prosperous paradise. That's not racism that is reality.

Haiti is on the island of Hispaniola, which it shares with the Dominican Republic. Many Haitians are constantly crossing that border illegally and the Dominicans have no issues deporting them when they are found. However, were the Haitians White, the roles would be reversed, since it would be the Dominicans and the people residing in neighboring islands, who would be trying to break into the White paradise.

However, speaking of reality, we are posting a link to an article celebrating the two hundred, twenty four year anniversary, of Haitian independence. It's written by a leftist, but as an avid reader, one still may find the writing within, pleasurable. We pray for Haitians and people like them and we hope someday, they'll get things together.

Haiti: The Other January 1st.

Jean Jacques Dessalines

Just in one is an American with a short attention span, the EU did give Erdogan a billion Euro payoff. We have links of the act, here and also here. Allegedly, to fund the Syrian refuges, in camps located in Turkey. However, we are beginning to speculate, that the deep state west, may be paying Turkey, for them helping, to destabilize Iran.

Since the neocons have gotten their wish to check off Syria's destruction, off their wish list, all deep state treacherous roads and intent, now leads to the big prize, Iran. What has Iran done to deserve all this ire? Is the US still holding a grudge for the 1979, Iranian hostage crisis or does the grievance go deeper?

Whatever the reason, the sharks are clearly smelling blood in the water. By their reckoning, with Syria now gone, and the Israeli occupying forces, having destroyed all their air defenses, in is theoretically conceivable, that Israel and or the Americans can now fly over unmolested using Syrian airspace. What's more, all Syrian airbases, can now be occupied and used for any perceived, attacks on Iran.

Turkey was instrumental in the total destabilization of Syria and now, she may be turning her eyes upon doing something similar to the Iranian government. In a new move, Turkey has begun the imposition of a fuel consumption tax on Iranian truckers. Which is not only hitting Iranian truckers in the wallets but it's causing long delays in the subzero temperatures to boot.

Turkey-Iran Border Dispute Escalates Over New Fuel Tax.

Indeed, so it will be the status quo then. If indeed, this prediction is true, we will be very disappointed, since like most people, we were looking forward to some happier economic times.

Although, the author of this nearing tragedy, is a woman named Gail Tverberg, at least we're assuming that it's a woman, who seems to be obsessed with pessimism. On her blog, revealingly named, “Our Finite World”, one finds an almost infinite amount of articles, predicting doom and pessimism. Her pessimistic world view, seems to have occurred around a half century ago. Plus we suspect that she may also be Jewish. So those observations should be considered as well.

We have no real reason to dispute her assertions however, since, although Tverberg predicts a global recession, there is no disputing, that the US, with a debt of nearly forty, trillion dollars, is destined for failure and hardships after all those trillions, living off the hog. So this news isn't at all surprising but a man can hope. Also her article states the end of economic growth. Which prompts us to ask where has she been these last five years? In her article she highlights, energy scarcity, high interest rates and lowered industrial outputs.

  • The global economy is expected to enter a recession in 2025 due to a decline in the availability of crude oil, coal, and uranium relative to population.
  • Government attempts to stimulate the economy through debt will lead to inflation rather than growth, as energy supplies are constrained.
  • High interest rates, low energy prices, and a decline in industrial output will characterize the economic landscape in 2025.

The End Of Economic Growth: Energy Shortages Drive Global Downturn.

As the world enters 2025, the critical issue we are facing is Peak Crude Oil, relative to population. Crude oil has fallen from as much as .46 gallons per person, which was quite common before the pandemic, to close to .42 gallons per person recently.

Make America White again. Although that's not an entirely accurate statement, since despite all the treachery and treason, the US is still a majority White nation. However our enemies are relentless and will not rest until they complete their mission of replacement, disarmament and genocide, until they die out or are stopped.

Therefore it is imperative that we realize that everything they have been telling us via their programming are lies. Everything they say, must be inverted, since they are absolute liars and they do not keep their words nor do they have any honor. Therefore, their enemies aren't our enemies. Indeed, we should scrutinize their enemies, we should see the qualities therein, which makes the empire of ZOG, so afraid. In that vein here are some stories which are undoubtedly irksome to the reptilian swamp creatures in the capitals of the collective west.

Don't worry folks, just because it's impossible to be in two places at once, for now, doesn't mean it's impossible to listen to this double impact theater, because of the miracle of replays. Insomnia Stream: Conflict Avoidant Edition.

Infostormer Live Episode #35 – Twatter Censorship And Gay Cybertrucks.

158 Dems Vote Against Bill To Deport Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Sex Crimes.

The US political party which call themselves democrats, are made up of an amalgamation of black women, Jews, black men and various other non whites. They're in favor of abortion, open borders, sexual deviation, corruption and holding on to their power.

The democrats promote abortion in the hope that it will help to decrease the White population. Similarly, homosexuality will also drastically reduce reproduction Whites and the effects of open borders and the effects thereof are obvious. Here is a list of those who voted against this bill. Reflect on it.

The Day Of The Rope, written by Devon Stack, is possibly one of the rarest books to be written in the last decade. It is rare because of censorship. Amazon, owned by the Jew, whatever his name is, took the lead in banning that short, promising well written novel. Then all the book retailers did too. I've read it myself and for the life of me, I can't see why it was banned except that some one must have seen an idea, therein, that he or she, thought was worth suppressing.

There has been a rise in censorship in the west of late, which became noticeable around the year 2020. That's when all the masks of freedom, rights and the so called, democracy fell. The facade, even though still maintained, fools fewer people now.

Devon has channels now on Odysee, Bitchute and on Rumble, just to name a few. However, I digress. The book may be found at a website named Anna’s Archive a place that may need our support, as much as Devon Stack does. There's a search bar and all one has to do is search for the desired name of the item, in this case, just type day of the rope and the results appear.

It's not our country folks. It's theirs. The geriatric boomers in office and the Jewish lobbies which pay and control them. Our enemies aren't foreign. Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea or whomever else the ZOG empire classifies as our enemies are all false. The deep state operatives lie. Our real enemies congregate in Washington, District of Columbia.

We've always heard that natural gas is one of those lauded green technological, clean fuel. Apparently we just can't rely on our lying ears. Why are we tolerating this farce with this usurper, Joe Biden acting as if he's a competent leader of a country. What a fucking joke.

Anyway, the dying horse, the Biden administration, is delivering some last kicks before it is put out of its many, obvious miseries.

It has kept on escalating the tensions in the Ukrainian special military operation, it has sponsored a coup in Syria, by enlisting the aid of Islamic terrorists, it is considering starting a brand new war with the Iranian people and it is making executive orders, enacting mountains of new restrictive regulations. All in an attempt to handcuff the incoming regime.

Whenever Washington DC, politicians start speaking, the rule of thumb, is to listen to them and expect the opposite of whatever they say. This works particularly well, if those uniparty, establishment, politicians, happen to were the name tag, of the democrats.

Case in point. Joe Biden and his DEI sidekick Kamala Harris, claimed that the transition from one administration to the next, would be a peaceful, smooth one, many of us knew just what to expect. We have sixteen more days to go before the inauguration of Donald Trump, so it would behoove us to keep our helmets on, our bug out bags close at hand, our metaphorical seat belts fastened and our weapons and ammunition, close at hand. This ride isn't quite over.

FBI Claims To Stop Plot To Shoot Up AIPAC Office.

The FBI is only good at stopping fake terror attacks they invent.

We should all get used to seeing them around because we fear that we will never be rid of them. All the talk about trimming the hog government, are just more vain imaginings. As far as we know, AIPAC may be the ones funding assassins and terrorist mercenaries.

The US citizens do not control the direction of their presumed nation. That right is reserved for people with mone and secrets. We are merely employees in a corporation. If we're lucky. Some of us the unemployed, former employees of a corrupt, evil corporation. One that is filled with Jew goblins running the head shed.

That includes the FBI. The FBI, along with a host of DEI federal agencies, are useless entities which need to be streamlined. Naturally, since they're entrenched in the deep state, they won't go quietly, if they go at all. Who else is in a position to stir up chaos but those government agencies?

They can carry out acts of terror until the populous is scared and then some foolish, corrupt, politician will triple their size and their budgets and instead of finding real criminals, like those in the federal government, they'll be shaking the rest of us down.

Nuclear fire is the only true purifier. This isn't our country it's akin to a condemned building which would be better served being demolished and perhaps, if necessary, rebuilt on the old ruins.

How the mighty have fallen, Liz Chaney is truly a woman without a country. No doubt losing her congressional seat has lowered her status and we all know how seriously women view status. However, like most downfalls, it is almost, always self inflicted.

So Joe Biden, the resident of the White House plans to reward the ineptitude of the so called January six committee. Both Biden and Chaney are despicable people. The mere fact that the Biden team lacks the self awareness of their actions or behaviors revels the farce of this whole corrupt, in the bubble politics.

Chaney was rejected by her constituency. Her political career and reputation is broken. Joe Biden is a senile fool and it's anybody's guess, as to who is running the country. Congress is out to lunch, they don't seem to be bothered that some puppet master is sitting in the captains chair.

Whomever is running things in the US is setting up all types of roadblocks and booby traps for the next administration. We shouldn't have to worry though, as this isn't our country. We're just here for the fucking ride over the cliff.

Joe Biden is giving medals to these two shit birds. This is not a serious country.

Joe Biden is such an idiot. The guy didn't win shit in 2020 but everyone is fine playing pretend. Someone mentioned that I should really call these people idiots since they're not entirely that. They're just obedient to their masters. Us politics is just plain, Kabuki theater. Everything is a farce.