Ebrius Disputatios

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

The image below shows a thumbnail image from Chicks On The Right, I know what they're trying to say but how could they get the word “Conscience” wrong? Are they not conscious that the two words aren't even synonymous. Perhaps, the person responsible for the mistake hasn't been getting enough sleep. All I know is, that it really disturbs me, when people in the public eye, take spelling and grammar for granted.

Nevermind, disregard after ten hours with this thumbnail, they fixed it in the middle of this posting, that's better. However, I'm still completing this post.

They finally realized that they made an error. I'm glad to see that they fixed it. Although, one just can't resist the thought that, they seriously, thought conscious was how conscience is spelled and that the words are somehow, synonymous. I've noticed that many public schoolers, also use the word breath when they really mean breathe.

I realize that many people these days read very sparingly, they write even less from my observation, but confusing words and meanings, by people in public, by people that do the sort of work that these women do is reckless and careless. It casts assumptions on their true intelligence or lack thereof.

Plus I'm realizing that I don't like many people, whom I once thought to be smart. I also concede the fact, that they may have some other person who does the thumbnails, and that person may be either in need of more sleep or is lacking in the reading and writing department. I've realized that they are all, for the most part, apologists for Jews, Zionism and Israel.

They feel free to criticize everyone else except the chosen, sacred races. That makes them cowardly and it's a quick way to lose the respect and attention of one's audience.

It seems like this spread would indeed attract bees and encourage pollination. It may be worth the effort.

from Overclockers

How long have the Hollywood Jews, and their fellow tribesmen in the music industry, been buying congressmen and judges to prevent the free sharing of digital media? How well have those measures worked so far? Must they keep inserting themselves in every facet of our lives? They spy on us through our devices they steal our information and their bought and paid for represetatives in congress and the courts, reward them with even more restrictions on our rights, while we just continue to grin and bear it. If they want to prevent, alleged piracy, why don't they make thier files unsharable? Why are our rights up for grabs in the fucking balance? Yet another reason, as if needed, to absulutely, despise the Jews.

In the United States, the FADPA bill is being prepared, which simplifies the blocking of foreign pirate sites through telecom operators and DNS providers. The defenders of consumer rights are afraid that the initiative will turn Internet providers into a “copyright police” and will block resources at a global level.

The FADPA bill, initiated by the Democrat Zoe Lofgren, provides for the blocking of foreign pirate resources by court decision in the United States. Blocking will be carried out by large Internet providers and DNS suppliers. Legislators claim that the law will not limit the freedom of the Internet, but will only affect copyright violators. The development of the document took more than a year and was conducted with the participation of representatives of the IT industry, cinema and television.

FADPA will oblige to block the pirate resources of Internet providers with 100 thousand subscribers and DNS services with annual revenue of more than $ 100 million. Exceptions are provided for VPN services, DNS providers using encryption, and operators for which telecom services are not the main business .

To receive a warrant, the copyright holder must apply to the US court, proving a violation of his rights and potential damage. After receiving the preliminary order, the copyright holder will be able to achieve a resource block. Judges will not prescribe specific technical decisions to the providers. The operator of the blocked site will have 30 days to appeal the solution.

The law is directed against sites originally created for piracy that do not have legal sources of income or deliberately promoted as a platform for the spread of pirate content. The Russian Avito and VKontakte, included in the list of counterfeit markets, are unlikely to be blocked. The situation with Rutracker and Libgen is more ambiguous, since copyright holders have long been trying to close them.

FADPA is criticized by Public Knowledge and Re: Create Coalition. Public Knowledge believes that the law will turn providers into a “copyright police”, and Re: Create Coalition calls it the “Internet switch”. Public Knowledge also notes that locks can be global due to the participation of the largest DNS providers.

Employers turn home offices into control zones, and employees are ready to pay for their privacy.

from SecurityLab

More than 85% of British employers use monitoring technologies to track the productivity of their remote employees. According to the survey, most companies monitor personnel activity, which causes concern among workers and human rights activists.

The most common method is the control of active working hours (54%). Approximately 36% of companies analyze service emails, and 28% check employees' chats. More than a third of employers are tracked by visits and used applications. A quarter of the respondents admitted that they could see the screens of employees in real time, and 15% fix each key press.

About 20% of employers monitor the location of employees, which jeopardizes the freedom of digital nomads. This confirms the tendency to strengthen digital observation, especially when you consider that in 2023 a similar survey showed a 78% level of corporate monitoring.

Despite the lack of a clear legislative regulation of such practices, companies must comply with the norms of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Law on Protection of Data 2018. However, monitoring is considered permissible if it is transparent, proportional and justified from a business point of view. The British data protection department (ICO) previously issued recommendations according to which employees should be notified of observation methods, but these rules do not have legal force.

Approximately 47% of workers said that the awareness of observation causes them stress and anxiety. At the same time, 51% of respondents are ready to quit, learning about surveillance, and 17% would even agree to reduce salaries by a quarter to avoid corporate monitoring. For the average British, this would mean a loss of more than £ 9000 (about $ 11160) per year.

Among the main claims of employees are the lack of trust from the authorities, the need to work longer and less rest. In 14%, constant observation causes a sense of depersonalty. Nevertheless, 70% of employers are sure that monitoring, on the contrary, strengthens confidence and increases productivity.

Control is not limited only to software. The Cracked Labs study shows that employers are increasingly using infrastructure data, such as the movement of employees on the office, attendance analysis and behavioral monitoring. For example, technologies of “smart spaces” can lead to the creation of detailed profiles of employees.

The authors of the study warn that such an approach undermines personal autonomy and trust within organizations. Once introduced for safety or efficiency, such technologies can develop into large -scale corporate tracking systems. Against the backdrop of the growing discontent of workers and criticism from human rights activists, it becomes obvious that companies have to find a balance between the efficiency and rights of employees before corporate offices will finally turn into total control zones.

from SecurityLab.

Facebook, along with its parent company are owned by people who do not revere freedom, free speech and things that are synonymous with them. Facebook is an intelligence gathering organization.

The question that people should be asking, is why, after all the anti American violations perpetrated by the company, are people still flocking to that space. Why do people constantly seek to be in places where they're not welcome? Is it that important to gain the acceptance of people who hate them? It would take just a few unjust censorship violations, before freedom loving people, would quit outfits such as Facebook for good.

Anyway, it seems, that despite the words of CEO Zuckerberg, Facebook is still up to its old norms. There have been reports, that META limits the publications of posts about Linux on the Facebook platform. The administration of the social network began to block posts containing references to various topics related to the Linux operating system, as well as sites and groups on this topic.

The first to be blocked, was the Distrowatch portal a large information resource dedicated to the news and reviews of open source operating systems. According to the resource editorial office, the Facebook moderation system recognizes Linux as malicious software, and the groups associated with it are marked as a “threat of cybersecurity”.

Content blocking began on January 19, 2024. Users report not only the impossibility of publishing links to Distrowatch, but also about the blocking of personal accounts, after posting posts about Linux.

Representatives of Distrowatch tried to challenge the decision on blocking, but Facebook moderators confirmed that the topics related to Linux will remain in the cybersecurity filter. After filing an appeal, an employee of the Distrowatch employee was also blocked.

The situation looks especially paradoxical, given that a significant part of Facebook infrastructure works on Linux. Moreover, META regularly publishes vacancies for developers specializing in this operating system.

#Linux #META #Facebook #Censorship

Baerbock Is A Fat Slut.

Indeed, the prisoners would rather have a go at each other. Annalena is probably a tranny. German chicks used to be hot. That was before the ZOG attack dogs bombed the hell out of German cities. What a waste. Now the cutest chicks in Germany are Merkel and this fat slut.

Baerbock dresses like a cheap hooker and apparently much older men enjoy ogling her “Christmas ham” legs. No one wants to fuck Annalena Baerbock. In fact, she has been nicknamed “Boner Killer,” due to her bulbous form which is known to kill boners.

People have noted that they find it especially offensive that her name, “Baerbock,” makes them think of “bareback,” and have suggested that she change her name to “Dübbebagh.”

Remember that coke slut who was the leader of Finland? She looked great. People wanted to fuck her.

Fat Slut Baerbock Buck-Broken By Trump Administration!

If you're going to put actual whores in charge of the government, why do they have to be fat? However, we should talk. Americans are the fattest retards on the planet, and they are actually unaware that their lifestyles are being so drastically reduced by their government’s support for endless global war in the name of the Jews.

Europeans are certainly subject to the same level of propaganda as the West, but due to having less fat in their brains, they tend to believe it less. Annalena must be part American.

#EU #Sluts #Baerbock #Bareback #Annalena360 #Boner#–#Killer

Sam Hyde’s Message To Elon Musk.


Sam Hyde just delivered an excellent critique of Elon Musk and the whole blow up over H-1B visas, account bans and what not. He hit on all of the main points that myself and others have mentioned. He did it in a very humorous and articulate way. It’s well worth the watch.

#Musk #Twitter #X #H1B #Visas #Open_Borders #Fraud

This Is The Trump We Need.


The mockingbird media would be driven to even more insanity and that would be half the fun. Worst Nazi ever.

#Trump #Niggers #Nazis #Fake_News #Mockingbird_Media

Ursa Major Sinks To Bring Norway To Disgrace.

Ursa Major Sinks To Bring Norway To Disgrace.

The Norwegian-flagged Oslo Carrier 3 ship refused to rescue Russian sailors from the Ursa Major ship as the latter was sinking in the Mediterranean Sea, RIA Novosti said with reference to the press service of the Oboronlogistics group of companies, the operator of the sunken ship.

The lifeboat with Russian sailors from the sinking ship headed towards the Norwegian-flagged Oslo Carrier 3 ship which was staying nearby.

“When the lifeboat approached, the Norwegian ship (part of crew of the Norwegian ship spoke Russian) refused to accept the Ursa Major crew members. They referred to a certain prohibition,” Oboronlogistics, the operator of the sunken Ursa Major cargo ship said.

The decision not to help the Russian sailors was made in gross violation of Article 10 of the International Convention on Salvage of 1989, the company added.

Russian cargo vessel Ursa Major, built in 2009, sank in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain and Algeria on December 23. A rescue operation was carried out in the disaster area.

Two Russian sailors are still unaccounted for.

The vessel was sailing under the Russian flag from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. According to Oboronlogistics, the ship sank as a result of a terrorist attack. Fourteen crew members were rescued and taken to the port of Cartagena (Spain), two crew members are missing. All of them are Russian citizens. According to Spanish newspaper El diario vasco, the Ursa Major ship sank after an explosion in the engine room.

The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed reports about the explosion.

“The Russian dry cargo ship Ursa Major (owned by SK-YUG LLC) sank in the international waters of the Mediterranean Sea after an explosion in the engine room,” the ministry said.

The Ursa Major is a universal dry cargo ship of the RO-RO/LO-LO class. The flagship of the Oboronlogistics fleet, Ursa Major (translated from Latin as Big Dipper), set off on another voyage to the Far East with port cranes weighing 380 tons each, and 45-ton hatch covers for new icebreakersю The maximum capacity of the vessel reaches 9.5 thousand tons. The Ursa Major was supposed to arrive in Vladivostok on January 22.

Norway explains decision not to help Russian sailors in time of need.

The Norwegian-flagged Oslo Carrier 3 refused to take the Russian sailors from the Ursa Major on board, because another ship was already on its way to help the Russians, representatives for the Bulkship Management, the owner of the Norwegian ship said.

“The rescue operation was carried out by the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre in Cartagena (MRCC; Spain), which is responsible for such operations in the area. The MRCC ordered the captain not to take the crew from the ship in distress on board, because their rescue ship was en route to the scene,” the Norwegian company said.

The lifeboat was secured to the Oslo Carrier 3 until the rescue ship arrived, Norwegian officials added.

“The weather was good, none of the lifeboat crew members were injured, there was no immediate danger to them,” Bulkship Management said and showed photos of the rescue operation.

Medvedev: Such decisions cannot be forgiven.

The refusal of a Norwegian vessel to accept the Russian sailors from the sinking cargo ship is a decision that cannot be forgiven, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said. Europe should be severely punished for such an act, he believes.

“Why so harshly? How else could it be given the facts? The ship flying the Norwegian flag Oslo Carrier 3 refused to help the Russian sailors from the Ursa Major ship. The people were drowning in the Mediterranean Sea. Does anyone else need any other explanations? This cannot be forgiven!” Medvedev said.

#UrsaMajor #Norway #Russia #InternationalLaw #Disgrace

Energy saving on the scale of the whole world can be calculated by gigawatt hours.

Researchers from the University of Waterloo presented an elegant solution to reduce the energy consumption of data centers, a small modification of the Linux kernel. This is relevant, given the growing load on energy resources created by computing systems, which now account for about 5% of world energy consumption. Date centers, being a critical part of modern infrastructure, make a significant contribution to this consumption.

The team of scientists, led by Professor Martin Karsten, found ineffectiveness in the processing of network traffic with high intensity of communications. The decision they have proposed is to optimize the Linux network stack. The rearrangement of operations allows you to achieve an increase in performance and energy efficiency. Tests showed an increase in throughput to 45% in certain scenarios without deterioration of delay indicators. Professor Karsten compares this with the optimization of the conveyor in production, which allows you to more effectively use the processor cache in the data centers.

In collaboration with Joe Damato, an engineer from Fastly, a compact and non intrusive change in the kernel, consisting of only 30 lines of code, was developed. This small modification is able to reduce energy consumption in critically important operations of the data center by 30%. The key element of innovation is the function of suspension of interruptions (IRQ), which allows you to effectively balance the energy consumption of the processor and data processing. By reducing the number of interruptions during peak loads, it is possible to increase the productivity of the network, while maintaining a low delay during periods of reduced activity.

The effectiveness of the solution is confirmed by tests, and the code is already integrated into the latest version of the Linux 6.13 kernel. This opens the way for the wide implementation of modification in the technological industry. If key market players, such as Amazon, Google and Meta, will make this solution, potential energy saving on the scale of the whole world can be calculated by gigawatt hours. According to Professor Karsten, almost every request on the Internet can be processed more efficiently due to this modification.